workflow package

Usage Summary

  1. Define delayed functions:
>>> @delayed()
... def A(foo):
...   time.sleep(0.05)
...   print foo
>>> @delayed()
... def B():
...   print 'Boo!'
>>> @delayed()
... def C(x, y):
...   return x ** y
  1. Compose the functions using | and & for parallel and sequential evaluation:
>>> root_node = (A('hello world!') | B()) & C(4, 2)
>>> root_node
<cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.AndNode object at ...>
  1. Evaluate the resulting graph
>>> evaluate(root_node.graph)
hello world!


This module provides an api for building a workflow graph of labeled functions which can then be evaluated. Nodes connected with a desired ordering or run sequentially, others can be run in parallel.

Syntax is inspired by the parallel (||) and sequential (;) operators. For example:

(A || B) ; (C || D)

means that A and B can be evaluated in parallel, and likewise C and D, but both A and B must be completed before C or D may begin.

The python implementation overrides the bitwise OR (|) and AND (&) operators to provide a similar syntactic feel. The example above should be defined as such:

(A() | B()) & (C() | D())


The python operator precedence for | and & is unchanged: & has higher precedence than |.


The first part is to mark top-level functions as delayed(). The @delayed() decoration wraps the function so that calling the function inserts the Node, without applying the parameters, into the call Graph. You can access the graph property of any node to get the current call graph.

For example, define two delayed functions A and B:

>>> @delayed()
... def A(x):
...   return x*2
>>> @delayed()
... def B(x, y):
...   return x ** y

Compose A and B to run in parallel

>>> node = A(24) | B(40, 2)

Evaluate the graph:

>>> evaluate(node.graph)

Print the results:

>>> for _, data in node.graph.nodes(data=True):
...   n = data['node']
...   print, n.result.result()
| None
A 48
B 1600

Cloudmesh Workflow Example


This is a proposed usage example and hasn’t been tested yet.

from cloudmesh_base import Shell
from workflow import delayed, evaluate

def FutureSystems():
  "Start a VM on FutureSystems OpenStack Kilo"'boot', 'kilo')

def Cybera(x, y):
  "Start a VM on Cybera cloud"'boot', 'cybera')

def Rackspace():
  "Start a VM on Rackspace"'boot', 'rackspace')

def main():
  "Boot machines in parallel"
  node = FutureSystems() | Cybera() | Rackspace()


Deferring function evaluation

A delayed is intended to be used as a decorator to lift arbitrary functions to have delayed semantics. Evaluation semantics of delayed objects is:

  1. calling a delayed function stores the arguments and returns a Node.
  2. Nodes are composed using bitwise & and | operators to denote sequential and parallel evaluation order, respectively.

Composing Nodes for parallel/sequential semantics

A Node captures the evaluation state of a delayed function. It provides several important attributes:

  1. graph: the evaluation graph in which the function is located.
  2. f: the function to evaluate.
  3. name: the name of the node. Typically captured from f, but may be a shorthand representation of OpNode.
  4. result: the status and result of the evaluation.

Nodes are created by calling delayed functions and then composed using & and |. Each composition returns a new Node in the graph.

Evaluation of a delayed function

Once Nodes have been composed to achieve the desired parallelism, evaluate the graph by calling evaluate() on the graph attribute of the composed node.


class cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.delayed(graph=None, **kws)

Bases: object

A delayed is a decorator that delays evaluation of a function until explicitly called for using evaluate().

Intended usage: decorate a function such that __call__() ing it returns a Node instance that can be combined with other Node instances using the bitwise __and__() (&) and __or__() (|) operators to create a workflow.


>>> @delayed()
... def foo(*args):
...   for a in args:
...     print a
>>> type(foo)
<type 'function'>
>>> node = foo(1, 2) & foo(3, 4)
>>> print node
<cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.AndNode object at ...>
>>> evaluate(node.graph)

kws will be passed to the Node constructor.

Parameters:graph (Graph or None) – If graph not None, this explicitly specifies the graph into which the Node will be inserted.
cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.evaluate(Graph) → None

Graph -> IO ()

Starting from the root node, evaluate the branches. The graph nodes are updated in-place.


>>> @delayed()
... def foo(a):
...   return a
>>> node = foo(42) & foo(24)
>>> print evaluate(node.graph)
>>> for _, data in node.graph.nodes(data=True):
...   n = data['node']
...   print, n.result.result()
& None
foo 42
foo 24
class cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.Node(f_args_kws, graph=None, executor=None, timeout=None)

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasTraits

A node in the Graph and associated state.

Nodes can be composed using bitwise __and__() and __or__() operators to denote sequential or parallel evaluation order, respectively.

For example, give A, B, and C functions that have been lifted to a Node type (eg through the delayed decorator @delayed()), to evaluate A and B in parallel, then C:

G = (  (A(argA0, argA1) | B()) & C(argC)  ).graph

will create the call Graph G. In order to evaluate G:


Create a Node to evaluate a function f in some graph using a given executor

  • func – f_args_kws = (f, args, kws) a 3-tuple of the function to evaluate (any callable) along with positional and keywork arguments.
  • graph – The Graph in which to insert the node upon composition with others. A value of None will create a new graph. When composed with another node in a different Node.graph() the two graphs with be merged.
  • executor – a futures.Executor instance
  • timeout – seconds (float or int) to wait.


The children of this node. See Node.children_iter()

Return type:list of Node

Generator of Nodes

This yield‘s all the children Nodes of this node.

Returns:Child nodes of this node.
Return type:generator of Node
compose(other, callable(graph=Graph)) → OpNode

Compose this Node with another Node.

Two Nodes are composed using a proxy OpNode. The OpNode defines the evaluation semantics of its child nodes (eg sequantial or parallel).

  • other – a Node
  • MkOpNode – a callable with keyword arg graph constructor for the proxy node

A new Node with self and other and children.

Return type:


eval() → None

Start and wait for a node.

start() → None

Start evaluating this node

Start evaluating this nodes function self.f if it hasn’t already started.

wait() → None

Wait for this node to finish evaluating

This may timeout if timeout is specified.

class cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.OpNode(**kwargs)

Bases: cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.Node

A proxy node defining the evaluation semantics of its children Nodes

Intended usage: this class it not intended to be instantiated directly. Rather, classes should inherit from OpNode to defined the desired semantics.

class cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.AndNode(**kwargs)

Bases: cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.OpNode

Sequential evaluation semantics.

Children of AndNode will be evaluated in the order in which they were added as children of this node.


>>> @delayed()
... def foo(a): return 42
>>> foo(42) & foo(24)
<cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.AndNode object at ...>
class cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.OrNode(**kwargs)

Bases: cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.OpNode

Parallel evaluation semantics

Children of OrNode will be evaluated in parallel, sparked in the order in which they were added as children of this node.


>>> @delayed()
... def foo(a): return 42
>>> foo(42) | foo(24)
<cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.OrNode object at ...>
class cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.Graph(data=None, **attr)

Bases: networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph

A NetworkX networkx.DiGraph() where the ordering of edges/nodes is preserved

Initialize a graph with edges, name, graph attributes.

data : input graph
Data to initialize graph. If data=None (default) an empty graph is created. The data can be an edge list, or any NetworkX graph object. If the corresponding optional Python packages are installed the data can also be a NumPy matrix or 2d ndarray, a SciPy sparse matrix, or a PyGraphviz graph.
name : string, optional (default=’‘)
An optional name for the graph.
attr : keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes)
Attributes to add to graph as key=value pairs.


>>> G = nx.Graph()   # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc
>>> G = nx.Graph(name='my graph')
>>> e = [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] # list of edges
>>> G = nx.Graph(e)

Arbitrary graph attribute pairs (key=value) may be assigned

>>> G=nx.Graph(e, day="Friday")
>>> G.graph
{'day': 'Friday'}

alias of OrderedDict


alias of OrderedDict

cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.find_root_node(Graph) → Node

Graph -> Node

Find the root node of a connected DAG

Return type:Node


>>> @delayed()
... def foo(a):
...   return a
>>> node = foo(42) | foo(24)
>>> print
>>> print find_root_node(node.graph).name